Tuesday 11 October 2016

Style magazine analysis

Magazine Analysis

The main cover image shows a woman wearing a red dress and red lipstick to represent the time or year. She is looking away from the camera which intrigues the audience as to what she is looking at. The camera uses shallow focus, which focuses on the model and blurs out the background, so that she is the focus of the image, again attracting the audiences attention. She has open body language, suggesting she is confident, connoting that the audience will buy the magazine to be confident like her. She looks around in her late twenties/thirties, which could attract other women of a similar age group to read the magazine, they would be the primary target audience. The secondary target audience could be friends and relatives of the women in their twenties/thirties, showing there is a fragmented audience for this magazine. This magazine could be said to have a mass audience, as there are a lot of women in the age group, however there could be a niche audience of people who have a particular interest in fashion. The audience will also be passive, as they would be influenced to buy the magazine from the information on the front cover. The people that would buy this magazine would be aspirers according to psychographics, as aspirers want wealth and people to like them. They would buy this magazine to get the latest designer fashion to show off to their friends about it. The magazine could create therefore social integration (uses and gratifications),

The masthead is in gold and fades to white at the bottom, which looks like snow, again linking to Christmas. The models head goes in front of the masthead, showing she is more important and the main focus is her. The font is serif, along with all of the cover lines to make the magazine look pulled together and professional. It also creates part of the house style, which also includes the colours gold red and white which are all associated with winter and Christmas. The house style also includes white circles down one side of the magazine, which  represents snow again showing December and Christmas.

The magazine is £4.50 and one cover lines suggest 'Designer travel'. This could portray that the magazine is for a higher class audience in the A, B, C1 category of the social economic model. Also, at the top of the page, it says the magazine issue and the month and year of publish. As it says the month, this shows that the magazine must come out every month.

One cover line says 'Designer travel the luxury destinations to escape to this winter,' this shows  that the target audience is more high class, supported by the words 'designer' and 'luxury'. The word 'escape' could also link to uses and gratifications, as the article is all about escaping from your daily life. Another cover line is 'Glamour 1001 fashion looks to fall in love with.' The number '1001' is a high number which shocks the reader into buying the magazine, as they want to see all of these fashion looks. Some parts of the cover lines are in capital letters to attract the audiences attention and to show that this text is important and it should be read before the text not in capital letters. Another cover line says 'My stylish city. Readers share their ultimate shopping secrets.' The fact that they have used readers from the magazine to create this article creates enigma for the audience, as they want to know things that other readers know, linking to social integration and also personal identity, as the audience can relate to others to adjust their ways of shopping.

The main cover says 'Your most stylish winter yet!' The use of the word 'your' creates direct address to the reader by sounding like they bare talking to them directly. This gets the audience intrigued, as they want more information (uses and gratifications), as the cover line doesn't give anything away. The main cover line is also in a really big font, connoting its importance.

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