Monday 3 October 2016

Look magazine analysis

Magazine Analysis

The main image is of Victoria Beckham, who is very famous, creating star appeal. Her power is shown by the fact that the image of her is in front of the masthead. In the image her pose shows she is confident, making the readers aspire to be like her. The audience can relate to Victoria, as the primary target audience is older teenage girls. A pull quote is used from the interview with Victoria Beckham, to create enigma and make the audience want to buy the magazine to know what is going on in her life.

The masthead is big, bold and bright purple to stand out to the audience and be the first thing that they look at, supported by the rule of thirds. The house style is bright purple and green, to show that it is spring time. These colours are also a contrast to what Victoria is wearing, so that you can still read the cover lines over the image of her. The cover line 'Hello Spring' also shows the time of year. Also, in the house style a few different serif and sans serif fonts are used throughout the front cover.

The magazine shows a image of an attractive male in the corner of the magazine, showing that the magazine is aimed at females. There are also several smaller images of women fashion and makeup items, again showing that the magazine is targeting females. These images are used next to the cover lines to give the audience an extra bit of information and to get their attention.

The word 'Plus' is used as a buzz word, to entice the audience to buy the magazine, as it suggests that there is extra content than other magazines. The phrase 'Big time' is in bold and underlined to show its importance to the cover line. Also, a full stop is used after both words to create emphasis and importance of the cover line. Rhetorical questions are used to get the audience involved and intrigued, especially if the topic links to their life. Alliteration is also used 'The best bag', this creates emphasis and enigma.

The website is included to get the readers to look up extra content online and to get the audience excited as to what is on the website. A hashtag is also used to show that the magazine is aimed at people in their late teens, as they will understand what this means, whereas older people may not.

Direct address is used, as Victoria Beckham is looking directly into the camera to attract the audience to look at the magazine. Also, direct address is used in the cover line where it says 'We've been expecting you.' On the magazine it uses a number (263) to show the amount of new arrivals in the magazine. This is a big number so gets the audience intrigued to see all of the new things. Next to this an arrow is used, to get the audience to open the magazine and be intrigued by whats on the inside.

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