Tuesday 27 September 2016

Shot types, angles, camera movements and lighting

Mission impossible 2

Establishing shot - This shows the setting which is currently a giant crater hole which could be the Grand Canyon. This sets the scene for the viewer very quickly so we know where its set.


Long shot - This shot shows the whole of Ethan
hunt (Tom Cruise) to show his outfit and to
recognise who it is. Some of the background is
also shown so we can see the setting of the opening.

Mid shot - This shot Tom Cruise from the waist
upwards. This emphasises his body language
and the fact that he is quite sweaty as he is
climbing up a sheer rock face. His emotions
are also more visible than in a long shot.

Close up - This shot show's Tom's head and
shoulders. This shot is used so we can clearly
see his emotions, which look quite confused
and also a bit scared that he might fall.

Extreme close up - This shot shows only one
small aspect of something, to show importance
to the object, in this case the glasses.

Point of view shot - In this shot we see something from the characters perspective, and we become the character. In this image we can see the inside of the glasses what Tom will see when he is putting them on.

Reaction shot - This shot shows the characters
reaction to something that has happened. Here,
Tom is laughing, as the agency has just sent him
some glasses which will inform him of his next

Shot reverse shot - This shot is used in dialogue to show facial expression while people are talking. Here, the two agents are talking while they are hiding from the bad guy.

Image result for high angle shot tom cruise

High angle - This shot is when the camera is
higher up than the character, this makes them
look small and weak.

Low angle - This angle shows authority and power. Here, Tom is just about to attack one of the bad guys so it shows him as being a hero.

Image result for mission impossible 2 high angle shotImage result for mission impossible 2 high angle shot

Eye level shot - This is when the camera is on the same level as the character. This shot creates empathy and understanding for the character. In this shot the camera is at the same level as Tom's face.

Low key lighting - This is when there is only one source of light and it is quite dark. Here, only Tom's eyes are in light and the rest of his face is in darkness. There is only one source of light, the screen.

Image result for mission impossible 2 bright lighting

High key lighting - This is when there is bright
lighting and there are no shadows on the persons
face. There is a lot of light, as it is day time and there is an explosion going off,

Tracking shot - In this shot the camera moves and follows someone. Here, the camera is following Tom up the rock face as he is climbing.

Zoom shot - In this shot, the camera stays still and zooms in. Here, the camera is zooming in on Tom's face to show his expression.

Panning shot - This shot is where the camera stays still and rotates left to right. Here, the camera spins around to see the characters expression.

Tilt shot - This shot is where the camera tilts up and down in a vertical pan. In this shot, the camera tilts up to show the setting and the reaction to seeing the glasses.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

magazine front cover

Magazine Front Cover

I have included an image of Blake Lively on my front cover, as she is pretty, has good fashion sense and is a well known actress. She is also quite young and has been in various TV shows aimed at teenage girls, so a lot of readers would know who she is and be able to relate to her. The image also shows Blake looking straight into the camera, which engages the audience.

I called my magazine Attire, as it links to the genre (fashion) the magazine is about. I added the month and year the magazine was published, so that it looks more like a real magazine and so people know what issue it is. I included a barcode so that my magazine looks more realistic and professional.

I added cover lines which included rhetorical questions and alliteration to get the reader involved. Underneath my cover lines I added a small description of what the article is about so that the readers can judge if they want to read the magazine or not.

I used colours for my heading and cover lines that were in Blake's top, so that it all ties in together and it looks more professional and like a real magazine.